Horizons Elementary PTSA 4.4.6
Fundraising is a critical function of non-profits like the Horizons Elementary PTSA. We rely on the donations from families, local businesses and the community to provide funding to help us achieve our goals. This is done in two parts: fall/spring fundraisers and ongoing fundraisers.
In-Person Fundraisers
Not really into participating in events, or buying spirit wear? But still want to help out! We're always accepting donations as well. Checks must be payable to Horizons Elementary PTSA.
Horizons Elementary thanks you for your time & help as always!
Ongoing Fundraisers
Box Tops 4 Education
Clip Box Tops from the packages of products you already buy, send them to school with your child and help our mission. We get 10 cents for each complete box top turned in. You can also download the Box Tops Bonus app for special deals and extra box tops!
Need a collection sheet? Find one HERE.
Click login in the upper right corner. Use organization code 446hor. Click on documents.